Edison's Belief on Health and Diseases

The Nevada Center of Alternative & Anti-Aging MedicineEveryone knows who Thomas Edison is but perhaps not all of us are familiar with the fact that besides being one of the greatest geniuses and inventors of all time Mr. Edison also took a great interest in the nature of health and disease. In this regard he was an avid believer in the common sense approach found in alternative medicine.

He could not understand why the medical establishment continued to persist in treating diseases with drugs, when it was obvious to him that disease was caused by biological imbalances which drugs can do nothing to correct. He best stated his opinion on these matters in one of his writings when he said: "The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."

1 comment:

  1. He was right. Jack Lalanne was right. Stupid medicine causes bunch of problems now a days. I see people dieng around me because of it. I know the answer I can tell them, but to them when I speak I don't know what they think, if its too good to be true or whatever its like I'm speaking nonsense. They look at me like I'm an idiot. In the end you win, why? Because you want whats best. Why don't others want what is best.

    I asked this philosophical question myself and I haven't figured it out myself.
