19th PM
for time:
50 box jumps - 30"
25 R arm KB snatch - 2pd
25 L arm KB snatch - 2pd
100 ft handstand walk
Row 1K


Box jumps: Starting to feel the rebound when landing. Need to keep core tight and allow natural position of body to occur at landing (relax but in tension!).

KBS: Left arm feels a lot more in control. Right arm is stronger so technique was far from perfect. Need to maintain the weight in line.  At the moment, on the right arm, the weigh is slightly outwards… slightly though at 2pd, its a huge difference!

Row: First 200m were hard to pace… then kind of realized I was rowing 1k!!!!... last 200m I tried to push the pace… almost met pukey!


  1. oye broder, yo creo que si guardas tus pies juntos en tus hds walks.. te va a ayudar no? tas medio guango...


  2. chucha... medio guango... después de los kbs... ya no tenia energía!... este training fue después del sushi!...
    pero si, tienes razón!
